For Sale

2 Bedroom Caravan

Carnaby Helmsley Lakesway Holiday home and Lodge Park, Levens LA8 8EQ

Step into peaceful serenity with this stunning holiday home, the Carnaby Helmsley, nestled within the picturesque Lakesway Park in Levens, Kendel. This 39ft x 13ft retreat offers the perfect escape for those seeking relaxation and tranquillity.

As you enter, you're greeted by an inviting open-plan lounge, kitchen, and dining area, providing a spacious and comfortable living space. The natural light floods through the large windows, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're relaxing on the comfortable sofa or preparing a meal in the fully equipped kitchen, every moment in this holiday home is designed for your comfort and convenience.

With two bedrooms, you'll have plenty of space for guests or family members to join you on your retreat. The master bedroom boasts an en-suite w/c, ensuring privacy and convenience. Wake up to the breathtaking views of Lakesway Park and start your day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

The family shower room offers modern amenities and is perfect for unwinding after a day of exploring the surrounding countryside. Enjoy a leisurely walk through the park or venture further out to explore the nearby countryside, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature.

Lakesway Park is exclusively for owners, providing a sense of community while also ensuring privacy and exclusivity. Indulge in the delights of Wainwrights Bar and Restaurant located on the park, where you can enjoy delicious meals and socialise with fellow holiday home owners.

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life as you embrace the tranquil ambience of Lakesway Park.

**This property of a non-standard tenure is referred to as a site/pitch licence/agreement, the licence period varies and additional annual fees apply**

*Please note that this property is based on a leisure park and is not to be used as a sole or main residence, please enquire for more details on licence restrictions for this property.

"Bowland Properties has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixture, fittings or services, and so does not verify they are in working order, fit for their purpose, or within the ownership of the sellers, therefore the buyer must assume the information given is incorrect. Neither has the Agent checked the legal documentation to verify the legal status of the property or the validity of any guarantee. A buyer must assume the information is incorrect until their solicitors have verified it.”

"The measurements supplied are for general guidance, and as such must be considered as incorrect. A buyer is advised to re-check the measurements themselves before committing themselves to any expense."

"Nothing concerning the type of construction or the condition of the structure is to be implied from the photograph of the property."

"The sales particulars may change in the course of time, and any interested party is advised to make a final inspection of the property prior to the exchange of contracts".


"These details are prepared as a general guide only, and should not be relied upon as a basis to enter into a legal contract or to commit expenditure. An interested party should consult their surveyor, solicitor or other professionals before committing to any expenditure or other legal commitments.

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